Featured in this issue
Dr. Takemore Chagomoka
Dr. Takemore Chagomoka holds a Doctor of Natural Sciences degree from Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg in Germany. He is also a holder of a Master of Science in Strategic Management degree, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Management degree, Diploma in Agriculture and several on job training certificates related to project management, results based management, agribusiness management amongst others. Dr. Chagomoka is currently a research scientist with World Vegetable Center based in Bamako, Mali. His research interests include the contribution of agriculture to household food and nutrition security especially in urban and periurban areas, socio-spatial dynamics of food and nutrition security along the urban-rural continuum, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
He had opportunity to work in various regions in sub-Saharan Africa with long stay in the following countries: Southern Africa (Zimbabwe and Mozambique), East Africa (Tanzania), Central Africa (Cameroon) and West Africa (Ghana, Burkina Faso and Mali). This has allowed Dr. Chagomoka to speak many languages including; Shona, English, Swahili, French and Portuguese. Across these regions, he has worked in diverse areas including: private sector agrochemical industry, private sector seed industry, horticulture industry promoting international standards such as Globalgap and research industry.
Dr. Chagomoka has presented papers in a number of international conferences including the following most recent; 1st International Symposium on Poverty, Hidden Hunger and Horticulture & VI International Symposium on Improving the Performance of Supply Chains in the Transitional Economies, November 20-25, 2016, Cairns, Queensland, Australia; 2nd International Congress Hidden Hunger. 3 – 6 March 2015, Stuttgart, Germany and 1st International Conference on Enhancing Resilience to Climate and Ecosystem Changes in Semi-arid Africa. 6 -8 August 2014, Tamale, Ghana.
He is a reviewer of 6 different journals
Some recent publications:
Chagomoka T, Unger S, Drescher A, Glaser R, Marschner B and Schlesinger J. (2016). Food coping strategies in Northern Ghana. A socio-spatial analysis along the urban-rural continuum. Agriculture & Food Security; 5(4): doi:10.1186/s40066-016-0052-x
Chagomoka T, Drescher A, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J and Nyandoro G (2016). Women’s dietary diversity scores and childhood anthropometric measurements as indices of nutrition insecurity along the urban-rural continuum in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Food & Nutrition Research; 60: 29425 -
Chagomoka T, Drescher A, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J and Nyandoro G. (2015). Contribution of urban and periurban agriculture to household food and nutrition security in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems FirstView; 1-16: doi:10.1017/S1742170515000484
Chagomoka T, Drescher A, Glaser R, Marschner B, Schlesinger J and Nyandoro G. (2015). Vegetable production, consumption and its contribution to diets along the urban – rural continuum in Northern Ghana. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND); 15 (4): 10352 – 10367:
Prof. Festus Ayodeji Sunday Dairo
Festus Ayodeji Sunday Dairo graduated from the University of Ibadan and obtained B.Sc (Hons) degree in Biochemistry (1979), M. Sc in Agricultural Biochemistry (1982) and Ph. D in Animal Science (1999) all from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria. He started his career as a lecturer in the School of Agriculture, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu in Lagos State of Nigeria in 1983 and rose to the peak of his career as a Chief Lecturer in the Department of Animal Production & Fisheries. He is presently a professor of Animal Nutrition/Nutritional Biochemistry/Feed Resource Management in the Department of Animal Production & Health Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University (Formerly University of Ado-Ekiti), Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Professor F. A. S. Dairo has attended many training courses within and outside Nigeria. He was awarded the MASHAV scholarship by the State of Israel on Dairy Production Technology at The Centre for International Agriculture and Development Cooperation (CINADCO), Shefayim in 2001, participated in Train the Trainer Workshop Agricultural Extension Methods organised by the University of Wolver Hampton United Kingdom. He has attended conferences and workshops in most of the continentals of the world namely Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas and member of the research team that benefited from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund of his country. Professor Dairo’s research interest is in the area of animal nutrition –particularly the use of non-conventional feed resources and animal nutritional biochemistry and serve as facilitator and consultant to the Agricultural Development Programme in Ekiti and Lagos State of Nigeria. He is also a member of the committee that is developing the Ekiti State Food and Nutrition Policy in conjunction with UNICEF.
Professor Dairo is a registered member of the Nigeria Institute of Animal Science that regulates the practice of Animal Science profession in the Nigeria. He was the immediate past General Secretary of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). He is also a member of other relevant Associations namely, Nigeria Society of Animal Production (NSAP), World Poultry Science Association, World Rabbit Science Association.
Professor Dairo reviews scientific articles for national and international journals in his field and acts as external examiner for both graduate and undergraduate students in universities in Nigeria. He has also supervised students at master and doctorate levels. He has served as head of department and presently the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
Email: AND
Professor Dairo has been a loyal and dedicated reviewer of AJFAND manuscripts for a number of years. We value his support and wish him all the best in his career. Ed. AJFAND
Mrs. Malebogo Lekgoa
Food and Nutrition Lecturer
University of Botswana
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Malebogo Lekgoa holds an MSc Home Economics (Food and Nutrition) from the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein campus, South Africa, HONS B Consumer Science (Food and Nutrition), North West University, Potchefstroom campus, South Africa, Bachelor of Education Degree in Home Economics (Food and Nutrition), University of Botswana and Diploma in Secondary Education, majoring in Home Economics and Science, Tonota College of Education, Botswana. Mrs Lekgoa is currently employed by the University of Botswana as a Food and Nutrition Lecturer in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Education. She previously worked at Francistown College of Education, Botswana as a Senior Lecturer II – Home Economics and as Senior Teacher II – Home Economics at Montsamaisa Junior Secondary School, Botswana. She is currently reading for an MPHil/Ph.D in Food and Nutrition, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Botswana. She is a member of African Nutrition Association. Mrs. Lekgoa’s research interests are related to food product development using indigenous ingredients. Most of her research to date has focused on new food product development using indigenous ingredients. She is currently doing study on school going children snacking diets in relation to their nutrition intake, a study funded by the Office of Research and Development, University of Botswana. She has been a reviewer for the African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development since 2016.
Ms Lekgoa is a very committed member of our review team. We wish her all the best in her career.
Dr. Aftab Alam
Dr. Aftab Alam, completed his masters (MSc; MPhil) and PhD in degrees in Zoology, specializing in Aquaculture and Fisheries. Currently he is Vice President of Agriculture R&D at Edenworks Inc. in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Earlier, he worked as Senior Research Scientist (2013- 2015) in the Center for Desert Agriculture (CDA), Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. Prior to that he was a Scientific Specialist at King Abdulaziz City forScience and Technology (KACST) from 1998.
Dr. Aftab Alam, designed and helped installation and operation of Integrated Marine Aquaculture System each at the Jeddah Fisheries Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of Saudi Arabia and at the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Aftab Alam, was investigator for seven KACST funded research projects. He is the co-inventor of four patent-pending technologies in the field and has published more than 25 refereed papers in high impact journals such as J. World Aquaculture Society, Aquacultural Engineering, Journal of Applied Aquaculture and Reviews in Aquaculture during his 22 years of career in research and development and Dr. Aftab Alam, reviewed a research proposal submitted to COST (European Co-operation in the Field of Science and Technology), Switzerland at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) entitled, “Modelling of nutrient flows in a microbially-characterized splitroot aquaponic system
Research Interests
- Aquaponics, Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
- Integrated Marine Aquaculture, Aquaculture nutrition, Hydrobiology, Seaweeds, Fish
- Urban agriculture, Mass cultivation of Microalgae, Biosafety, Biodiversity
Recent Publications
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh, Aftab Alam and Alejandro H. Buschmann 2014. Bioremediation potential, growth and biomass yield of the green seaweed, Ulva lactuca in an integrated marine aquaculture system at the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia at different stocking densities and effluent flow rates. Reviews in Aquaculture. 6: 1-11. doi: 10.1111/raq.12060
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh and Aftab Alam 2013. Replacement of fish meal by single cell protein derived from two species of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida utilis), grown over the date (Phoenix dactylifera) industry waste, in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. J. Appl. Aquaculture. 25: 346-358.
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh, Aftab Alam, Alejandro H. Buschmann and Kevin M. Fitzsimmons 2012. Experiments on an integrated aquaculture system (seaweeds and marine fish) at the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia: efficiency comparison of two local seaweed species for nutrient biofiltration and production. Reviews in Aquaculture. 4: 21-31.
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh, Aftab Alam and M. S. Beltagi 2008. Food production and water conservation in a recirculating aquaponic system in Saudi Arabia at different ratios of fish feed to plants. J. World Aquaculture Society. 39: 510-520.
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh and Aftab Alam 2007. Design and performance of an indigenous water recirculating aquaculture system for intensive production of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), in Saudi Arabia. International J. Recirculating Aquaculture. 8: 1-19.
- Aftab Alam and Yousef S. Al-Hafedh 2006. Diurnal dynamics of water quality parameters in an aquaculture system based on recirculating greenwater technology. J. Appl. Sci. Env. Mgt. 10: 19-21.
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh and Aftab Alam 2006. Recirculating aquaculture in Saudi Arabia: aquaponics and greenwater. Proc. 6th International Conferences on Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke, Virginia, USA. Pp. 440-447.
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh and Aftab Alam 2005. Operation of a water recirculating greenwater system for the semi-intensive culture of mixed sex and all male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). J. Appl. Aquaculture. 17: 47-59.
- Yousef S. Al-Hafedh, Aftab Alam and M. Afaque Alam 2003. Performance of plastic biofilter materials with different configuration in a water recirculation system for the culture of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquacultural Engineering 29: 139-154
We are very happy to have Dr Alam as one of our reviewers in a highly specialized area. We appreciate you Dr Alam. Ed. AJFAND
Dr. Justus Kavoi
Justus Kavoi is a socio-economist and extension specialist based at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization ALRO) Katumani Research Centre. Dr. Justus Kavoi holds a PhD in Agricultural Extension (specialized in Agricultural Innovation Systems) from Egerton University; MSc degree (By search) (Specialized in sustainable livelihoods) from the University Greenwich, United Kingdom; a Hon. BSc degree in Agricultural Economics from Egerton University and a Diploma (with Distinction) in Range Management from the then Egerton College. He has worked with the former Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) various capacities since 1988, based at KARI-Katumani Research Centre. He worked as the Head of Socio-Economics and Applied Statistics Research Programme for over 8½ years in addition to being team leader in DFID funded research projects at Katumani. Currently, Dr. Kavoi is working with the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), based at KALRO-Katumani Research Centre. In his research career, Dr. Kavoi has written and won several competitive research grants. These include the Kenya’s National Commission for Science, Technology & Innovation grants (US$ 10,910); the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) through Bio-Resources Innovation Network for Eastern Africa Development (US$ 239,000); and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID)’s Crop protection Programme through the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University of Greenwich (GBP (£) 34,207). He is a researcher with ability to conduct participatory research into the social and economic aspects of the design, development and analysis of agricultural technology and innovation dissemination approaches; farming systems characterization and situational analysis. He has adequate capacity to carry out assessment of sustainable livelihood development initiatives; assessment of the performance of agricultural innovation systems as well as information provision for priority setting. He has also adequate skills to develop extension and farmer training materials for community development as well as the ability to teach in public and private universities. He has served as an external examiner of Master of Science Theses and as a mentor/ supervision of Master of Science degree students and a reviewer of AJFAND journal articles. Dr. Justus Kavoi has published a number of peer-reviewed journal papers.
Selected published peer-reviewed journal papers by Dr. Justus Kavoi:
- Kavoi, J.M., Kamau, G.M. & Mwangi, J.G. (2016). Gender and group dynamics in subsistence agriculture: the case of Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension ISSN: 2311-6110 (Online), 2311-8547 Int. J. Agr. Ext.
- Kavoi, J.M., Mwangi, J.G. & Kamau, G.M. (2014). Challenges faced by small land holder farmer regarding decision making in innovative agricultural development: An empirical analysis from Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Extension. ISSN: 2311-6110 (Online), 2311-8547 (Print) Available Online at ESci Journals.
- Kavoi, J.M., Mwangi, J.G. & Kamau, G.M. (2014). Factors Related to the Low Uptake of Technologies and Innovations in Semi-Arid Areas of Lower Eastern Kenya. Landmark Research Journals, Agriculture and Soil Sciences (LRJASS) Vol. 1 issue 2 pp. 012-021, May, 2014 Available online
- Kavoi, J.M., Mwangi, J.G. & Kamau, G.M. (2013). Strategies for Effective Multi- Stakeholder Linkages for Innovative Agricultural Development in Eastern Kenya. Journal of US-China Public Administration, ISSN 1548-6591, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 5, 497-506.
- Mwangi, J.G. & Kavoi, J.M. (2013). Developing a Vibrant Livestock Industry in East Africa through Market-Driven Research. Journal of US-China Public Administration, ISSN 1548-6591, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 6, 608-617.
Dr Kavoi has joined us as a reviewer especially in the crucial area of extension. Already he is fast and thorough. We value your support Dr Kavoi and welcome on board. Ed. AJFAND
Pius Mathi is one our top junior reviewers here at AJFAND. He gives very detailed, constructively critical, concise and timely reviews in his area of expertise. Pius holds a BSc. and MSc. degrees in Food Science and Technology both from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. He is also the current organizing secretary of the Food Science and Technology Platform of Kenya (FoSTeP-K), an International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) affiliated Kenyan body of food science and nutrition allied professionals. Commonly referred as the “to go to guy” by his fellow professionals due to his ability to energetically and passionately serve, he is heavily involved in everyday running and managing of FoSTeP-K. This makes him highly regarded by members and admirers across the board. Recently he helped the platform successfully plan and organize for the ‘First East African Food Safety Conference’ and the IUFoST food safety symposium both held in Kenya. Additionally, he is a fellow of the Chicago council of global affairs 2016 as well as a graduate of the IFT ELN program 2016.
Pius believes in prudence and zero food wastage in tackling the ever increasing food insecurity globally. His Master’s degree research for instance involved development of nutritionally superior sausages through harnessing the bovine blood heme iron and protein. What resulted from his work is what he calls a ‘one size fits all’ sausage type. Why one size fits all? Firstly, he creatively utilized the blood after slaughter which is normally treated as a waste product, never mind the environmentally injurious impact it has when carelessly released into ditches and rivers. Essentially, he used the blood to substitute the cholesterol laden animal fat which dominates the sausages as an ingredient second from lean meat content. This alone reduced about 50% of fat (bad for the heart) usually found in the common sausage while significantly increasing the protein content and impressively the heme iron. In fact, one 50g sausage can satisfy an adult’s iron RDA as it goes as high as 236mg/kg against the RDA of 8mg and 18mg of iron for an adult man and woman respectively. Constructive utilization of blood positively impacts the whole chain: The slaughterhouse owner sells blood to the processor who in turn cuts on the cost of fat for the sausages through direct replacement with blood. Consequently, the consumer gets a healthier sausage/snack not forgetting the environment gets relieved off the wrath of decomposing blood. In his own words, Pius says that “you do not have to forego your favorite snack, instead go for the healthiest snack!”
He still feels energetic and passionate to continue with research that provides interventions in the food sector. He is currently looking for a PhD scholarship or research sponsorship in the areas of public health, food safety with bias to aflatoxin. Pius believes and lives by the following quotes:
“Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.”-Nelson Mandela 2005.
“Reducing post-harvest losses may effectively and sustainably increase the volume of available food, without encountering adverse effects on the regional ecological and economic situation”-Hensel 2011.
Cheers Pius and we wish you a great future! Ed. AJFAND
Prof. Freda Elikplim Asem
- Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Ghana
- Former Business Manager, MLE Unit, Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana
- Director and Chief Executive Officer, Africa Development Solutions Limited
- Director, Agripreneurs Africa
- Fellow, African Women in Agriculture Research and Development (AWARD)
- Alumni, Australia Awards
Dr. Freda Asem holds a PhD in Development Studies from Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, MSc. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, BSc. in Agricultural Economics from University of Ghana, Legon.
Freda Asem is a lecturer and researcher with more than ten years’ experience in the agricultural sector. She is passionate about how research can be used to improve agricultural development in Africa especially in relation to smallholder farmers. Her interests lie in agricultural value chain analysis and the implications for improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. She has facilitated a number of trainings and workshops for value chain actors especially farmers on various topics. She has attended several international conferences, seminars and workshops on agricultural research where she has presented research papers.
She has managed research projects worth more than $1,400,000 which include the institutional support to ISSER from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an evaluation of pilot land registration under the MiDA programme (2014/2015), an evaluation of the impacts of a soil fertility program on farmer productivity, Green Innovation Centres for the agricultural and food sector (GIZ), and Impact evaluation of the LEAP 1000 cash transfer program among others. She currently lectures in agricultural marketing and price analysis at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Ghana
Dr. Freda Asem is a recipient of many international awards including the following:
- Australia Awards Scholarship for Short Course in Agribusiness at the Center for International Development, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Fellow, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship for Doctoral Studies at ISSER, University of Ghana
- Murray and Pauline Hawkins Research Bursary, University of Alberta & Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award, University of Alberta, Canada
- Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Exchange Program Award to the University of Guelph
- Prof. Sai Award for Best Female Student in Agriculture at the University of Ghana
She is a member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Canadian Economics Association (CEA), Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES), Agricultural Policy Research Network (APRNet), and a reviewer for the Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research (IJAR).
Dr. Asem is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Africa Development Solutions Limited (ADSL), a start-up agribusiness company that is focused on building sustainable agricultural markets and strengthening communities, especially women smallholder farmers through job creation and increasing opportunities, especially for women and for the youth in Agribusiness and capacitating women in agribusiness to access market opportunities.
She is also a Director/Board Member of Agripreneurs Africa, a community-based organization focused on building a global community of smallholder farmers and agripreneurs towards socially, environmentally and economically sustainable agribusiness initiatives, poverty alleviation, employment and wealth creation.
Recent Publications
- Osei, R. D., F. E. Asem and G. Domfe. (2013). “The Political Economy Dimensions of Macroeconomic Management of Aid in Ghana” World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER) Working Paper No. 2013/106, October, 2013.
- Asem, F. E., M. Busse, R. Osei, and M. Silberberger. (2013). “Private Sector Development and Governance in Ghana” International Growth Centre (IGC) Working Paper, April 2013.
- Kuwornu, J.K.M. and F. E. Asem. (2012). “Effect of Regulatory Environment on the Efficiency of Agricultural Marketing Co-Operatives in Canada” International Journal of Current Research. Vol. 4, Issue, 02, pp.236-243.
- Osei, R.D., G.E. Owusu, F.E. Asem and R.L. Afutu-Kotey. (2009). “Effects of Capitation Grant on Education Outcomes in Ghana. Global Development Network (GDN) Working Paper Series. WP No. 20.
- Asem, F. E. (2013). “Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Horticultural Farming in Ghana”. Unpublished PhD thesis submitted to the University of Ghana in partial fulfillment of the award of PhD Development Studies.
- Asem, F. E. (2006). “Canadian Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives: Does Regulatory Environment Affect Performance?” Unpublished Master’s thesis submitted to the University of Alberta, Canada in partial ulfillment of the award of MSc Agricultural and Resource Economics.
- Asem, F. E. (2001). “The Demand for Cereals in Ghana” Unpublished Bachelor’s thesis submitted to the University of Ghana in partial fulfillment of the award of BSc. Agricultural Economics.
- Goddard, E., G. Hailu and F. E. Glover. (2012). “Striking a Balance: Lilydale Poultry Co-operative”. Book Chapter in “A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form”. Edited by Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman. Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan. Canada.
Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Ghana