Dr. Verena Raschke
Awareness of Traditional East African Food Habits as a Strategy for Health Advancement: Completion of a PhD project
On the 20 th of February 2007, I successfully completed my Doctor of Natural Sciences degree (Dr. rer. Nat.) at the Institute of Nutritional Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria.
This PhD project culminated in the development of an online collection of traditional East African food habits (, several publications, several articles in-press and in peer-review, and notable presentations delivered at the 18 thInternational congress of Nutrition (ICN) and the Initiative for the Development of the Indigenous Foods of Africa (IDIFA) Congress both held in South Africa in September 2005. The web-site, the first of its kind, now serves as an important research and educational tool for scientists and the general public interested in investigating traditional East African food habits. In addition, the web site may enhance the development of an online network of communication (i.e. a research forum), both within Africa and abroad, for the development of targeted and relevant collaborative research projects.
Raschke V, Olterdorf U, Elmadfa I, Wahlqvist M, Cheema B, Kouris-Blazos A. Content of a novel online collection of traditional east African food habits (1930s-1960s): Data collected by the Maz-Planck-Nutrition Research Unit, Bumbuli, Tanzania. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 16:140-51, 2007 |
Raschke V, Olterdorf U, Elmadfa I, Wahlqvist M, Cheema B, Kouris-Blazos A. The need for an online collection of trational African food habits. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND online), 7(1), 2007: Available |