Quality Assurance
updated January 2021
Indexing and Partnerships
AJFAND is indexed in the following databases:
- Scopus https://www.scopus.com/sources
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) https://doaj.org/
- African Journals Online (AJOL) https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajfand/about
- Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/
- AgEcon Search - Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/search?ln=en&cc=2490/
- Food Science and Technology Abstracts https://www.ifis.org/fsta
- Bioline International http://www.bioline.org.br/journals
- CAB Abstracts http://www.cabi.org
- EBSCO Information Services http://www.ebscohost.com
- Chemical Abstracts Service https://www.cas.org/
- Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) https://www.fao.org/agora/
- FAO Sustainable Food Value Chain Development (SFVC) Knowledge Platform https://www.fao.org/sustainable-food-value-chains/home/en/
- African Union (AU) Library
- University of Botswana Library
- University of Zimbabwe Library
- University of Nairobi (through AJOL)
AJFAND is an accredited journal by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in South Africa. https://www.uj.ac.za/research-at-uj/dhet-accredited-journal-list/
AJFAND is ranked 2 star on the Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) assessement list https://www.journalquality.info/en/journals-all/
AJFAND is listed in Hawassa University (Ethiopia) Journal Reputability New Guidelines as an accredited journal for publishing
Impact Measurement
AJFAND is now ranked in SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) which is an alternative measure (to traditional matrix) of journal impact https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100815304&tip=sid&clean=0
SJR indicator is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. SJR retrieves information for various indicators from the Scopus database.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)
AJFAND uses CrossRef http://www.crossref.org/ DOIs to provide published articles stable, persistent links that preserve scholarly citation records and link AJFAND content to other publishers and organizations. AJFAND readers can easily link from our references to other relevant articles and vice versa, increasing research visibility and Journal Influence Factor.
All articles are subjected to plagiarism check. Articles with less than 25% status moves forward in the publishing cycle.
We receive occasional requests concerning whether AJFAND is indexed and by whom, and to indicate the journal’s impact factor. There are those, rightfully so, who would wish to see the journal in the same league as well established international journals, household-name types, and why not? The information provided below will be a standing piece on the AJFAND website and will be updated whenever there is need to do so. Please visit it regularly to see whether your journal, your baby, is growing or not. As custodians of the baby, we are keen to see it grow. As Founder Editor-in-Chief of AJFAND, I wish to extend the secretariat’s appreciation, and also on behalf of ALL THE AUTHORS and REVIEWERS, for making it possible to reach this level of international recognition. Remember, the first issue of the journal was out in 2001 and we did not begin to get any recognition until 2006, five years later. It has taken years and persistence, commitment, consistency with occasional lapses, and a belief that what we were doing was the right thing for Africa, and indeed the rest of the world. Our financial base is still weak but this we hope will change with time.
If any of you has novel ways of raising funds that does not distract from our core business, please let us know.
Ruth Oniang’o
Name of Institution |
Contract Brief |
Date Commenced |
1. |
University of Toronto, Canada |
- Online publishing of AJFAND materials on Bioline website and monitoring the published material in terms of visits, requests and readership. Helps with quality assurance and tracking of usage of various AJFAND products |
April 2006 |
2. |
GALE / Cengage Learning |
- Inclusion of AJFAND materials in GALE’s publishing programs whose materials are used for teaching and learning purposes |
July 2008 |
3. |
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) |
- provision of valuable indexing and abstract service |
June 2008 |
4. |
International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) |
- digitizing AJFAND articles selected by IIR for use in Fridoc (bibliographical database) to be accessed by European readers
January 2009 |
5. |
CABI Publishing |
- Publishing of AJFAND materials in CABI full-text online subscription products which includes indexed bibliographic databases, CAB abstracts and/or Global Health and a most valued archiving service, while allowing AJFAND to retain its independence
January 2009 |
6. |
Cornell University |
TEEAL – The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library
January 2009 |
7. |
EBSCO Publishing |
Dissemination of AJFAND publications in text, image and other electronic formats that may exist so as to reach a wider audience through EBSCO's databases. |
August 2009 |