Volume 14 No. 3 (2014)
Editorial: Ruth Oniang'o
Despite all the highs and lows around the world, our number one challenge is how to feed humanity with nutritious food!
News: Ruth Oniang'o
Borlaug Centenary Celebrations in Africa
News: Ruth Oniang'o
Methanol kills more than 90 in Kenya
DUPONT-Mearuring Global Progress Toward Food and Nutrition Security, 2014
News: Roland Holou
How DiasporaEngager, the international diaspora engagement platform, was invented and
how it may help you and your country.
Short Communication: Odedire Adeolu
Effect of graded levels of saccharum officinarum as an additive to Panicum maximum (JACQ) silage.
Munashe Shoko
Peer Reviewed Articles:
- Comparison of tithonia (Tithonia diversifolia) green
manure, poultry manure and inorganic sources of
nitrogen in the growth of kales (Brassicae oleraceae) in
Nyeri county, Kenya.
Peter Mwangi and PW Mathenge
- Aflatoxins contamination in processed cassava in Malawi and Zambia.
Martin Chiona et al.
- Nutritional status of alcoholics in peri-urban areas of the greater Accra region of Ghana.
Seth Klobodu et al.
- A restrospective study of the nutritional status of primary school children in Harare
Mushonga Nyasha et al.
- The influence of blanching, anti-browning agent and processing time on some physico-chemical properties and appearance of green peppers (Capsicum sinensis) during canning.
Emmanuel Afoakwa et al.
- Effect of delayed processing on nutrient composition, ph and organoleptic quality of pond raised tilapia (Oreochromis shiranus) stored at ambient temperature.
Fanuel Kapute et al.
- Pesticide contamination of the dridji cotton plantation area in the Republic of Bénin.
Cornelis van Gestel et al.
[The Netherlands]
- The use of the mangrove oyster (Crossostrea gasar) as a bio-indicator for chemical element contamination in the Niger Delta.
Wangboje Soje et al.
- Undergraduate module on nutrition education and communication for Africa: Profiles of potential students.
Ramani Wijesinha-Bettoni et al.
- Consumer perceptions and demand for biofortified sweet potato-based biscuit: The case of Akarabo golden power
biscuit in Rwanda
Julius Okello et al.
- Does the distribution of ready to use food products for the prevention of undernutrition meet the ultimate needs of the beneficiary?
Andrew McLellan [More about the author Click here]
- Physio-chemical, mineral composition and antioxidant properties of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) extract blended with tropical fruit juices.
Beatrice Kilima et al.
- Acceptability and nutritional contribution of grain amaranth recipes in Uganda.
John Muyonga et al.
- REPRINT - Women Fishers' Message
African Confederation of Artisanal Fisheries Professional Organizations - CAOPA
- REPRINT - FARA UniBRAIN: The first ever full-fledged agribusiness incubator officially launched in Mali.
The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
- REPRINT - Maize Price and Food Policy in Kenya.......
ELSEVIER. Kathryn Grace, Molly Brown and Amy McNally
- REPRINT - Inclusive Growth. An Imperative for African Agriculture.
African Development Bank Group